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Sarah Miners
May 03, 2024
In Welcome to the Forum
More and more of us are experiencing physical symptoms of ill health at the moment, definitely since the onset of 'covid.' As I have written before, one explanation of this - which has been presented to us - is this is indeed due to a virus which has been flying around, and has its origins either naturally or in a man-made laboratory. Actually, both of these views are the same: a virus has randomly appeared on the global scene, whether artificially induced or not However, an alternative view (and I suggest a more accurate one) is that our bodies are changing because our planet is changing, and in order to facilitate this change, physical discomfort/ purification/ detoxification/ rebalancing is required, and that can involve viruses etc, a process which can at times take you to the very edge and be quite life-threatening. So certainly I am not diminishing the severity of the process which is often involved. Chances are, too, that emotionally/ mentally/ spiritually you feel that you are at a crossroad in your life: you may feel that your old life doesn't resonate with you anymore, but where to go from here? You may feel very lost as well as experiencing huge physical discomfort at present, both with the reoccurrence of old symptoms, or the onset of new ones. If this is happening, you are certainly not alone, and I can help you navigate your inner and external terrain! And get you feeling better. Often standing at a crossroads is a most wonderful opportunity. It means that new directions and vistas are opening up for you. I can help you to understand this.
Your Body Is Changing: At a Crossroads content media
Sarah Miners
Nov 07, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
I am writing this post just to prove that I have a deep interest in conventional Nutritional Therapy approaches too, despite my other posts that might make me seem otherwise sometimes. I am just so passionate about the 'bigger picture' and context to healing! The health benefits of eating good food are immense, as are the benefits of intermittant fasting. I am very much in favour of intermittant fasting to dramatically improve practically every condition of ill health, but often fasting needs to be undertaken with care and understanding, and with a nurturing approach rather than a 'starvation' one. Indeed, many chronic illnesses can leave one feeling quite weakened, and in this case, dramatic fasting is not a good idea. So, I have devised my own approaches to fasting that offer both detoxification AND nurturing at the same time, and are relatively easy to fit into a busy schedule. The main approach that I use is based on the 5:2 diet and incorporates lots of easy raw food ideas: it is a fantastic approach that can definitely help you to feel so much more alive, yet it also quite a gentle aproach to fasting/ detoxifying. Even my teenage daughter has used this cleanse. So why not contact me for more details?
Health Benefits of Fasting: The TQN Raw Food Fast content media
Sarah Miners
May 01, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
So, I have 'covid' again, for the fourth or fifth time I think... Been ill for about 5 days now, with a steaming cold, dizziness, low energy, and cough. Also feeling strangely disconnected, unearthly almost... In fact, I feel like I have one foot in one world, and the other foot in another... Maybe ARCTURUS is visiting me?!! Very interesting name for a virus isn't it? Why is it being named after a high-frequency planet I wonder? Maybe, POLARIS will be next?!! As usual, the truth can be in plain sight. So, what if these bouts of 'covid' are actually more along the lines of higher frequencies infusing planet Earth - having a deep purifying effect on our bodies - to help us revert back to the life we should have always known? So, rather than think something has gone wrong or that something 'bad' or 'unlucky' has happened when we get the so-called virus, maybe it is just our body detoxing massively to align with the new frequencies which will take this planet into a new era of peace, health and happiness, if we can truly align with the possibility of this. So many natural phenomena are purposely given a negative spin. Think... climate change... or any health problem. Indeed, even severe health issues such as cancer can be seen as the body attempting to correct an imbalance, rather that something 'wrong' happening, when you truly understand the true nature of health and dis-ease. There is a big secret to improving not only health, but the well-being of our planet in general. One key concept to really take on board and understand. Are you ready to hear it???...
I've Got 'Covid' !!! content media
Sarah Miners
Jan 17, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
There has been much talk over the years about possible side effects after taking certain recent medical interventions, and very recently on the BBC itself Dr Aseem Malhotra let slip that there may be possible cardiovascular risks associated with such interventions. Certainly it is true that our bodies are dealing with so many toxins at present, both externally and through internal means, and most medical interventions contain many synthetic ingredients that (at best) our bodies don't really need. Indeed, when you really understand how the body heals, you will realise that our bodies have a natural, innate self-healing ability that we can learn to switch on more and more, so why would we ever really need synthetic substances to help improve our health? That said.... worrying about anything never really helps the body long-term, and a strong body can deal with so much.... But, again, a strong body necessitates a strong energy field, and a deep understanding of how to switch on one's innate self healing ability, which is not really addressed or facilitated by conventional medicine at the moment. Do you understand this? So, if you are worried about the any sort of medicalisation, or know someone who is... It's ok. Simply learn to work with your natural self-healing ability, which I could help you with. In part, I have a range of homeopathic remedies which can aid detoxification of all sorts of toxic substances, and much knowledge of other detoxification techniques using natural substances. But, more importantly, I can help you understand how to switch on your body's innate self healing ability, and how to strengthen your frequency/ energy field, something which is absolutely vital, not just in this regard, but when recovering from all sorts of long-term illnesses. Lastly... you will probably find that 2023 sees the release of more and more 'accidental' information that heavily questions the safety of the recent medicalisations. If that happens... remember my words! But... don't panic if so.... It's part of what is meant to happen.
Worried about the Vax? content media
Sarah Miners
Dec 08, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
I have been corresponding with a client today and thought I would share the reply as it helps to understand the mechanism by which we can really heal: so so often after therapies, treatments, or remedies, we feel absolutely dreadful, more terrible than ever, and it can be oh so confusing. Maybe this can help to explain why... "I appreciate your email. When you really understand the healing process, you realise that you actually need to feel worse before you feel better. So this is actually a good sign. We are not told about real healing in our Western societies especially. We are told that, when we feel bad, we should simply take a medicine - or maybe even natural supplements - to deal with this and make symptoms go away. Sometimes this works, especially in the latter case. But.... When it is time for you to really understand what healing is about - and even what this world is about -basically all of your stuff comes up and you can feel dreadful, and so lost. And this can go on months, even years, and be very costly of course when you don't get quite the right advice. I know... I've been there personally, and actually had all the symptoms you mentioned, and nothing seemed to work for me either... So, I do really empathise. I was horrendously bloated for 7 years, and looked 9 months pregnant even though I wasn't... and I was quite slim.. And I couldn't digest food well at one point, and had to live off liquid foods for 1.5 years. I started to get better a bit with diet, a bit with supplements.... But there was so much outlay for little gain... Nothing really changed until I started to become more empowered as a person, and started to make my life happier.... Then real change started to happen, and supplements/ diet seemed to work much better... So, the mistake is to think that a therapy... or a supplement by itself is the whole answer. It isn't. And homeopathics can bring up your stuff to deal with like nothing else... They are helping you to feel all the places where you feel stuck or limited in your life and, of course until they change, that is a painful and uncomfortable process.... When pain and discomfort occurs it is coming up for you to look at and make adjustments in your life... so it is a gift really. But we are not told about this. The Western medicine perspective on healing is rather lacking to say the least. I hope this begins to make more sense to you. All the best Sarah"
How We Really Heal content media
Sarah Miners
Oct 21, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
Have you been feeling particularly tired or exhausted over the past year or past couple of years? Have you been feeling extra stressed yet you don't know why? Maybe you have been experiencing some of the following: tinnitus, ear problems, brain fog, confusion, low immunity, frequent urination, kidney pains, adrenal fatigue, joint aches and pains. Many of these symptoms are linked to the Kidney/ Bladder meridian in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is in turn linked to our nervous systems... Well, if so, congratulations! Your body could be 'upgrading.' Or, more accurately, you may be in a process of returning to your true nature... Indeed, many of these nervous system issues are to do with the fact that our bodies ARE changing at this time. This is not fantasy, but truth. The magnetic field of the Earth is changing and with this, so are our bodies. Our nervous systems (vata dosha in Ayurveda) can pick up on the Earth changes and our innate intelligence can respond accordingly. So, 'climate change' might be more to do with the natural changes in the Earth field... A certain virus (beginning with 'c') might be due to these natural changes occurring in our bodies at this time... That's not to say that both the changes in the Earth and our bodies are comfortable... They are often far from comfortable and extremely difficult to navigate at times. But these changes are necessary. The world is in turmoil right now. Change IS necessary. Far better (and safer) to be in the process of change than not at this time.
Nervous System 'Upgrades' content media
Sarah Miners
Sep 09, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
Do you realise that nobody should be in the arena of healthcare without knowing about the body's amazing Self Healing Capacity? Do you realise even that you possess a Self Healing Ability? Has your doctor or consultant or therapist ever told you about this? We ALL possess a self-healing ability which we can learn to switch ON. This intelligence is what will 'heal' us, nothing else. You can learn to switch on this ability through both external means (diet, exercise) and internal means. But especially the latter. In fact, you cannot 'heal' properly without knowing about this, which is why all healthcare professionals, whether allopathic or 'alternative', should be telling you about this from day one. And only YOU can switch on your body's self-healing capacity, nobody else. It is true that healthcare professionals can help you to do this, through a variety of techniques and advice, but they are only assisting YOU to switch on this intelligence in your body. And you have to deeply resonate with the advice that you are given in order for this to happen. Who is telling you about your innate self healing capacity? So, next time you go to a doctor, consultant, herbalist, spiritual healer, nutritional therapist... ask yourself... "Have they told me about my own self healing ability, and are they encouraging me to learn how to switch this intelligence on for myself?" If not, you may wish to question the validity of the consultation. Important considerations.
Healthcare Charlatans content media
Sarah Miners
Aug 29, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
One of the biggest concepts of quantum physics is that "everything is energy." So, whether an object/ person/ animal is animate or inanimate, we emit a certain frequency (which relates intrinsically to our health), and although unseen, this frequency is nevertheless palpable. Some people might refer to this frequency as the 'aura', or 'light body' or 'energy field' that surrounds our physical body. In truth, our frequency doesn't just surround us, we are it... Another very important concept to grasp, is that this frequency is not fixed: it can change. So we can learn to emit another signal should we wish to, and this will in turn change our physical body. In short, our bodies reflect our frequency or vibrancy, not the other way around. So our inner/ internal environment is of paramount importance. Basically you can think of ill health - or dis-ease - as emitting a lower frequency, and good health as emitting a higher frequency. It is more complex than that, but for now that's a good place to start. So, you may wish to question 'The Germ Theory' (Louis Pasteur) as we know it, and focus more on 'The Terrain Theory' (Antoine Bechamp) when it comes to understanding how pathogens can be 'caught' ... or not... The Terrain Theory of course focuses largely on the premise that our inner environment determines how likely we are to 'catch' a virus or bacteria for example. Even Louis Pasteur, on his deathbed, was supposed to have admitted that his Germ Theory wasn't accurate. So why the need for vaccines of any type you might well ask?
We are Energy Beings content media
Sarah Miners
Mar 04, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
Hi, I'm Sarah, The Quantum Nutritionist in the UK! I am absolutely passionate about the truth behind health and dis-ease and my life has taken me on a very interesting (and extremely difficult at times) journey to find out... And now, especially in these strange times, I would like to share what I have come to know with you... I became a Nutritional Therapist over 10 years ago largely because I had been very unwell myself. In fact, I had a year and a half where I could hardly function or get out of bed, and could only eat liquid foods. Yet nothing, absolutely nothing, showed up on standard medical tests, and various doctors (to put it politely) thought that I was making it up. So, I was forced to go on a huge journey of self-discovery in my attempt to find out what it takes to feel well. And I have learned so much... And what I have learned also very much ties in with what is happening in the world today. Suffice to say then that I do not follow the mainstream narrative about much, yet neither am I a so-called 'conspiracy theorist.' I am just a truth-seeker. I have also experienced different states of consciousness quite spontaneously, without the need for recreational drugs, meditation, or changing my diet. So I have had a glimpse of what is possible in human form. And what we aren't being told. I may write about this in my next post. But, for now, I want to just say that the aim of this forum is to discuss the true nature of health and dis-ease and to pool ideas. Allopathic ways of treating illness are rapidly becoming old-hat; and the use of medications to treat dis-ease is spiralling out of control in an extremely unhealthy way. So new (or rather old) ways of treating health and dis-ease need to now come to the fore, based on Quantum Physics and not classical or Newtonian physics. The Germ Theory as we know it needs to be very much questioned also. So much to talk about and share.
Welcome to the Forum...  Introducing Myself content media

Sarah Miners

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