I have been corresponding with a client today and thought I would share the reply as it helps to understand the mechanism by which we can really heal: so so often after therapies, treatments, or remedies, we feel absolutely dreadful, more terrible than ever, and it can be oh so confusing. Maybe this can help to explain why...
"I appreciate your email.
When you really understand the healing process, you realise that you actually need to feel worse before you feel better. So this is actually a good sign.
We are not told about real healing in our Western societies especially. We are told that, when we feel bad, we should simply take a medicine - or maybe even natural supplements - to deal with this and make symptoms go away. Sometimes this works, especially in the latter case.
When it is time for you to really understand what healing is about - and even what this world is about -basically all of your stuff comes up and you can feel dreadful, and so lost. And this can go on months, even years, and be very costly of course when you don't get quite the right advice. I know... I've been there personally, and actually had all the symptoms you mentioned, and nothing seemed to work for me either... So, I do really empathise.
I was horrendously bloated for 7 years, and looked 9 months pregnant even though I wasn't... and I was quite slim.. And I couldn't digest food well at one point, and had to live off liquid foods for 1.5 years.
I started to get better a bit with diet, a bit with supplements.... But there was so much outlay for little gain...
Nothing really changed until I started to become more empowered as a person, and started to make my life happier.... Then real change started to happen, and supplements/ diet seemed to work much better...
So, the mistake is to think that a therapy... or a supplement by itself is the whole answer. It isn't. And homeopathics can bring up your stuff to deal with like nothing else... They are helping you to feel all the places where you feel stuck or limited in your life and, of course until they change, that is a painful and uncomfortable process....
When pain and discomfort occurs it is coming up for you to look at and make adjustments in your life... so it is a gift really. But we are not told about this. The Western medicine perspective on healing is rather lacking to say the least.
I hope this begins to make more sense to you.
All the best