Do you realise that nobody should be in the arena of healthcare without knowing about the body's amazing Self Healing Capacity?
Do you realise even that you possess a Self Healing Ability?
Has your doctor or consultant or therapist ever told you about this?
We ALL possess a self-healing ability which we can learn to switch ON. This intelligence is what will 'heal' us, nothing else. You can learn to switch on this ability through both external means (diet, exercise) and internal means. But especially the latter.
In fact, you cannot 'heal' properly without knowing about this, which is why all healthcare professionals, whether allopathic or 'alternative', should be telling you about this from day one.
And only YOU can switch on your body's self-healing capacity, nobody else. It is true that healthcare professionals can help you to do this, through a variety of techniques and advice, but they are only assisting YOU to switch on this intelligence in your body. And you have to deeply resonate with the advice that you are given in order for this to happen.
Who is telling you about your innate self healing capacity?
So, next time you go to a doctor, consultant, herbalist, spiritual healer, nutritional therapist... ask yourself... "Have they told me about my own self healing ability, and are they encouraging me to learn how to switch this intelligence on for myself?" If not, you may wish to question the validity of the consultation.
Important considerations.