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Skin Conditions Homeopathic Formulas

Skin Conditions Homeopathic Formulas

Potent homeopathic formulas containing 25+ frequencies. 


ACNE EASE includes energetic signatures of vitamin A, zinc, vitamin E, omega 3, coconut oil, aloe vera, vitamin B3, chromium, calendula, camomile, dandelion, echinacea, pulsatilla, natrum mur, silicea, sulphur, hepar sulph, antimonium, & so much more....


ECZEMA EASE includes energetic signatures of arnica, burdock, sulphur, rhus tox, witch-hazel, calendula, camomile, milk thistle, dandelion, borage oil, flaxseed oil, psorinum, evening primrose oil, burdock, and so much more...


FUNGUS EASE (suitable for candida, athlete's foot & other fungal conditions) includes energetic signatures of caprylic acid, oregano, garlic, lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, saccromyces boulardii, sepia, goldenseal, berberine, silicea, tellurium, graphites, thuja, & more...


PSORIASIS EASE includes energetic signatures of psorinum, sepia, arsenicum album, graphites, sulfur, petroleum, calcarea carbonica, staphysagria, mercurius solubilis, oregon grape, indigo naturalis, aloe vera, turmeric, capsaicin, and so much more...


RASH EASE (suitable for hives/ boils too) includes energetic signatures of aloe vera, camomile, neem oil, nettle, dandelion, milk thistle, pau d'arco, burdock, devil's claw, belladonna, hepar sulph, apis mellifica, arsenisum, sarsaparilla, and much more...


WART & VERUCCA EASE includes energetic signatures of echinacea, thuja, apple cider vinegar, niticum acidum, vitamin E, tea tree oil, oregano oil, clove bud oil, antimonium crudum, neem oil, antioxidants, and much more...


All combined together with a little bit of the 'gold frequency' (which alone has powerful healing properties.)  Truly unique formulas, not available elsewhere!

  • Directions

    • ADULTS & TEENS: Take 8 drops twice a day on an empty stomach (about 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything.) Drops can be administered directly into the mouth. If you miss a dose, just take 8 drops the next time.
    • CHILDREN (where appropriate): Children 12 and under may take 6 drops twice a day. If you miss a dose, just take double the dosage the next time.
    • INFANTS: Children and babies under 2 years old may take 4 drops twice a day.

    This formula does not interact with any medications so you can continue to take these alongside these. However, please contact TQN if you have any queries after purchasing the formula. All homeopathic remedies have the capacity to induce a detoxification effect, especially if they work deeply.  

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